Lander Pipe Band's Youth Education Program

The Lander Pipe Band's Youth Education Program is funded by the Nixon David Memorial Scholarship.

Click here to make a donation to the band's Youth Education Program today!

Contact the band now about starting free beginner bagpipe and drumming lessons.

Youth band members practicing as a group - March 2022

Individual and Group Lessons:

The band currently has 26 members!

The band's 19 youth members, 7 adult members, and 2 beginner youth chanter students receive weekly or biweekly lessons.  

When the band members come together at practice, they implement new techniques learned from their instructors.

Dress rehearsal to practice marching in uniform before a big performance. 

Band Practice

The band practices two times each week, for a grand total of 3 hours of group practice each week. 

About 50% of the practices are on practice instruments and 50% are on the big instruments.

Dress rehearsals occur a couple times per year, before a big performance.

Young piper, Cormac, competing in the Grade 4 2/4 March event at Grand Junction, CO.  Judge is Seumas Coyne.

Solo Contests

Band members are strongly encouraged to participate in solo contests.  All of the band's adult members (7 people) compete in solos.

Nine (9) of the band's 19 youth members have competed in solo contests to date.   The other 9 are working their toward their first solo contest.  

Playing in solos is a significant part of the band's training program.  Solos require the individual to have excellent technique.  Solos also help band members obtain critique from people outside the band and/or their individual instructors.  This type of feedback helps our  musicians grow and learn. 

The Lander Pipe Band marching out of the competition circle at the Las Vegas Celtic Festival  - April 2022

Band Contests

The Lander Pipe Band is the first  (and only) competition band in Wyoming.

While the band's primary mission is to honor veterans and first responders, it is imperative that band perform at a high standard. 

That is why we compete.  To learn more about the pipe band competitions the Lander Pipe Band has participated in, Click Here. 

The Lander Pipe Band is thankful to our sponsors and individual donors to enable us to provide free lessons to all band members.  Interested in making a donation?

Click here to access the band's PayPal.Me page.

Or you can scan the QR Code to donate directly to the band.

Thank you for supporting the band's Youth Education Program!